Saturday, July 5, 2008

Do all Geminis strive for perfection?

3 weeks back, I learned something from Keya (my team mate at Atos Origin). She told me that Geminis dress up for others and not for themselves. Meaning, they are always conscious of what others will think when they dress up in a certain way. Other sun signs do not exhibit this characteristic so strongly.

This left me thinking. She was right at least in my case. I cannot generalize it for all Geminis, but all Geminis, who will read my post at some point in their lives, will surely want to think about it.

For that moment, I thought this was only true in case of dressing up. But slowly, I realized that this characteristic existed in everything that I do. For instance,
- while writing email I am always more worried about what will the reader interpret/understand/perceive?
- while making presentations, I am always thinking on how to keep the viewers/participants engrossed? What will viewers think of this presentation?
- in a conference call or a one-to-one telephone call or a skype chat with client, I am always worried about whether they will understand what I am trying to communicate?
- in 'Yoga' classes, while doing 'Asanas', I am constantly trying to put an effort more to ensure I am doing it the right way because I feel someone will be watching me and what will that someone think if I am not doing it right?
- in most of my conversations with friends/family/colleagues too, I strive for the same.

I have not even spared my SMSes. My SMSes are reviewed twice before they leave my phone.

While writing this blog too, I am thinking what readers will think. I deleted/modified my words/lines umpteen times so that you don't feel bored reading this one. Sometimes I feel, this characteristic brings out the best in me, because I never feel satisfied with what I have done. I am not even satisfied with what I have written in this blog till now. I feel you wont come back again to read my posts. But, life is a risk: Take it or Leave it. I believe in taking it, so lets see this time. I'll be surely better next time.


Unknown said...

Dude, this is definitely not a Gemini-only trait. I'm a Cancerian and I can identify with everything you have written. I exhibit the same characteristics you have mentioned, and definitely not to a lesser degree. Heck, you won't find a missing comma or a sentence beginning with a lowercase letter in any email I write, and I'm sure it's no different in your case.

However, I don't necessarily think it's a good thing, in spite of the fact this acts as a constant motivator for bringing out the best in me, as it does in your case. There's a thin line between the two approaches of trying to be excellent and trying to portray excellence, but the two are distinct nonetheless. I think (with increasing conviction) that I've been putting yourself under the microscope 24x7 and it causes unwarranted stress 'to live up to the self-imposed high standards'. All is good in this approach were it not for the fact that, at least in my case, deep down inside it smacks of the need to be accepted by others! Don't think it's such a good idea to become a peoples person to an extent that it causes a loss of individuality. Slowly but surely, the folly of this approach (with the unintended upside of 'being revered' which has kept me going) is dawning upon me, and I'm trying to move away from it... :)
I'm not saying you're not trying to be excellent but trying to 'portray excellence', but the number of times you've written you're worried about these things put me on alert as it struck a chord!

Rohan said...

Quite a start, wondering what amount of time you spend in revising your stuff before you send it out! I'm sure the same applies to your software too though wouldn't generalise it to Geminis alone! Good to see you blogging, lets hope you self-review less and hence write more

Moushmi said...

Its so kewl to see you blogging! Cheers! I have more or less the same things to say as Deepak and Rohan. The trait mentioned by you is not restricted to Geminis only :) Frankly all of us at some level say/do/wear/act in a way that makes people like us.. I guess everyone thinks of how others perceive them. Well i'll repeat the age old saying.. anything done in moderation is good. So this trait in my opinion is a strength till it is in moderation. Overdoing it may be harmful :)

BTW.. FYI.. I know I would want to read more of your blogs and will definitely come back for more :)